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The Role of the Board of Investment in Company Registration in Thailand

The Board of Investment (BOI) is a government agency in Thailand that plays a crucial role in promoting foreign and domestic investment in the country. One of the main services provided by the BOI is assisting investors with company registration in Thailand. The BOI provides a range of benefits and incentives for companies that invest in certain industries and meet certain criteria. In this article, we will discuss the role of the BOI in company registration in Thailand and the benefits it offers to investors.

BOI Promotion and Investment Incentives

Companies that engage in particular industries and satisfy certain requirements are eligible for a variety of promotions and investment incentives from the BOI. These incentives include tax breaks, duty exemptions, and other perks. The BOI also assists in obtaining the essential licenses and permissions for Thai company registration. Companies must apply for BOI promotion and satisfy the qualifying conditions in order to obtain these incentives.

BOI Company Registration Process

A number of steps are involved in the BOI business registration procedure. First, the investor must submit to the BOI an application explaining their intended investment project. The BOI will next undertake an initial evaluation of the application to evaluate whether or not the project is eligible for the promotion. If the project is eligible, the BOI will issue a promotion certificate to the investor.

The firm must then be registered with the appropriate government authorities, such as the Department of Business Development and the Ministry of Commerce. The BOI will guide the investor through the procedure and give advice on the required papers. The BOI will supply the investor with the essential licenses and licenses to conduct their business in Thailand after the firm is registered.

BOI’s Efforts to Facilitate Company Registration

The BOI has been working to improve and streamline the company registration procedure. The BOI has established a one-stop service center where investors may submit applications and obtain all required information and help with the registration procedure. This service center intends to make the investment process more effective and simplified for investors in order to attract more international investment.